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Image by Luke Porter

The Benefits of a Remote Workforce - Why Remote Companies are Thriving

If you're looking to grow your business, it can be tempting to think that having everyone in the same office will help you scale faster. But while it's true that co-workers who bump into each other every day are more likely to build relationships than those who work remotely, there are many reasons why companies with remote workers are thriving — and they don't all have to do with location.

According to a study from Tracking Happiness, remote workers are happier.

According to a study from Tracking Happiness, remote workers are happier. It also showed that they're more productive, have lower turnover rates and better work-life balance than their co-located counterparts.

This is just one example of how companies have been able to thrive by embracing the idea of remote working. In fact, it's becoming so popular that there are now more than 1 million companies with at least one employee who works remotely in America alone (according to Forbes).

Remote workers have better work-life balance.

Working from home means you can work when you want to, not when the office dictates. You don't have to commute or deal with traffic and other annoyances. You can take breaks whenever they're needed and there are no managers breathing down your neck about taking too much time off. Remote workers also have more time for family and friends — they don't have to rush home after work.

Remote workers are more productive.

Remote workers are more productive. They have fewer distractions. There's no commute, no office politics, and no impromptu meetings to contend with when you work from home. You can focus on your work without having to worry about anything else getting in the way of getting things done.

What's more, they can work at their own pace. If you're like me, there are days when I need some extra time just to get my mind right before diving into something new or difficult —and then there are other days where I'm ready to take on whatever comes my way. Remote workers get this flexibility because they don't have anyone looking over their shoulder telling them what needs doing first or second; instead, remote employees decide based on what works best for themselves and their teammates without worrying about being judged by other people who aren't even there!

They have lower turnover rates.

The more experiences you have with your coworkers outside the office, the more likely you are to get along. And when coworkers get along, they're happier at work, a fact that can lead to higher productivity and lower turnover rates.

Remote workers are also less likely to quit because they feel more connected with their company than if they worked in an office building every day. If your company invests in culture with team retreats and destination meetings, you will likely have a highly connected employees.

Working from home is easier for many remote workers.

Working from home is easier for many remote workers. It's much easier to focus when you're not surrounded by distractions, and you can take breaks whenever you need them. You don't have to worry about getting up every half hour or so just so that people know where you are. Working from home also saves time: no commute means more time at work with less effort spent traveling back and forth between places.

When you cut out the commute, you reduce stress and give your team the opportunity to add hours back into their day that they can spend with family or on other activities.

When you cut out the commute, you reduce stress and give your team the opportunity to add hours back into their day that they can spend with family or on other activities.

The average American spends more than one hour per day commuting to work. This means that if you have a 40-hour workweek, almost 20% of it is spent sitting in traffic or on public transportation. If someone doesn't want to spend that much time away from their family or friends, then working remotely could be an ideal solution for them.

They spend less money on company perks like office spaces and snacks, which gives them more flexibility for team retreats and fun experiences.

If you've ever worked at a company with an office, you know how much money can be spent on snacks. You also know how much money is spent on desks, chairs and other furniture that take up valuable space in the office. All of these things are great for morale and productivity, but they don't always come cheap.

Companies with remote teams don't have to worry about any of that stuff because they don't have offices or dedicated work spaces. This means they can spend more money on team retreats or fun experiences which ultimately leads to better team bonding than traditional companies would experience at their annual company picnic.

They offer their employees the opportunity to live where they want, rather than where their job requires them to live.

When you work for a company that has a remote workforce, you can live wherever you want to live. You can move closer to family or friends, be closer to nature, be closer to the beach or mountains or desert or city — whatever makes sense for your life. The benefits of this are obvious. You won't have to spend your time traveling long distances every day; instead, it will be easier for you and your family members who may also work from home in order to be close together during off hours.

Companies with remote workforces are able to hire the best talent regardless of location.

Companies with remote workforces are able to hire the best talent regardless of location.

Why? Because remote workers are more likely to be self-starters, motivated by intrinsic rewards, open to new ideas and approaches, creative and innovative, and better at communicating. In other words: they're top-notch employees who get things done without being micromanaged or having their hands held every step of the way.

Remote companies have demonstrated that it's possible to grow rapidly without sacrificing employee happiness or retention rates.

In a recent study, remote workers reported being happier and more productive than their office-bound counterparts. It's no surprise that these employees feel more empowered: they have more choices when it comes to where they live and work, which leads to higher engagement levels. This can be especially beneficial for companies looking to attract top talent from around the world.

Remote companies have demonstrated that it's possible to grow rapidly without sacrificing employee happiness or retention rates, and there are plenty of reasons why your own business might benefit from adopting this model.

Remote workers have more choices when it comes to where they live, taking their kids to school or staying home with them.

Remote workers have more choices when it comes to where they live, taking their kids to school or staying home with them.

If you're not tied down by a job and can work from anywhere, you can choose to live in a more affordable place that might be farther away from the office but closer to family. Or if your children attend school in another town, living remotely allows you to spend more time with them on the weekend and during holidays.

Remote employees are more loyal

The most obvious benefit of hiring remote employees is that they can work from wherever they want. This means that if you have an employee who lives in a different city than your company headquarters, they don't have to commute every day and spend hours on their commute. It also means that if you want someone working for your company who has kids or elderly parents nearby, then it's easier for them to work remotely from home and still take care of those family members.


I'm sure you've noticed a trend here: No matter what the industry, remote workers are happier and more productive. This is great news for companies that want to attract top talent, but it's also great news for employees who want their best work-life balance.

Additionally, there's nothing stopping you from helping your employees forge meaningful relationships through memorable retreats and team building experiences. Get in touch for a free consultation with our corporate offsite planners - we'd love to hear from you.

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